
Karacaoğlan mahallesi 6167 Sk. No:38 Bornova/İzmir

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BioPOWER is a specially prepared environmentally friendly, ecological, liquid product containing pharmacologically pure amino acids such as Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA), Gulutamic acid, Proline, and Mannitol, which play a triggering role in the development and strengthening of the plant.

The existence of Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) in plants was found in the late 1940s at Cornell University. GABA levels were shown to rise during stressful occasions. According to research, the GABA cycle is required for plants to respond to stress.

Activating the GABA cycle in healthy plants was considered to increase plant physiology, performance, and stress tolerance. Initial attempts to incorporate GABA directly failed because the degraded GABA had little or no impact.
It was found in the mid-1990s how to activate the GABA cycle of a healthy, unstressed plant.
When plants are stressed or their metabolic activity rises (such as during blooming, fruit production, fruit growth, and colour), the GABA rate in their bodies increases considerably.
BioPOWER boosts GABA levels in the plants where it is utilised.


Organic Matter%30
Organıc Carbon(C)%13
Organic Nitrogen(N)%1
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide(K2O)%1,3
Free Amino acid%8


  • Increases plant blooming.
  • Reduces the time it takes for moved plants to adjust.
  • Promotes the development of growth tips (shoots and fringe roots).
  • Plants’ life power and resilience grow under harsh situations like as severe rainfall, drought, wind, and hail.
  • Plants become more resistant to crushing and mechanical harm.
  • Plants gain vigour when temperatures rise and fall.
  • Pesticides, fertilisers, and growth regulators can be combined in the same tank. It has no causticism


greenhouse, open field and winter vegetables1-2 applications with drip irrigation 10 days after planting. Foliar application from pre-flowering to harvest0,5-1 lt/ha100-150 cc
strawberry and flowerIt begins with vegetative growth and continues throughout the season. at intervals of 10-15 days0,5-1 lt/ha100-150 cc
vineyardFrom the beginning of the shoot to the harvest period with drip irr.; Leaf application can be applied at regular intervals until the fruit set period.0,5-1 lt/ha100-150 cc
corn and sunflowerEvery 7-10 days from bud break Use when nitrogen fertilization is required.0,5-1 lt/ha100-150 cc
cereals and forage cropsDuring tillering in early spring0,5-1 lt/ha100-150 cc
pome and stone fruits, nutsFrom the beginning of flowering to harvest with regular intervals0,5-1 lt/ha100-150 cc
cottonFrom the moment 8-10 leaves emerge, in any period needed.0,5-1 lt/ha100-150 cc