
Karacaoğlan mahallesi 6167 Sk. No:38 Bornova/İzmir

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  • Better stabilization of the Iron
  • Excellent iron availability and interchangeability
  • Easier transport within the plant
  • Better function in alkaline soil


Water Soluble Iron(Fe)%6
EDDHA Chelated Iron(Fe)%6
ORTHO-ORTHO EDDHA Chelated Iron(Fe)%4,5


There are many chelate forms in the market. The preferred form of chelate changes according to soil pH that will be applied and the cost that farmer is going to pay. EDTA is the usable chelate for micro elements like copper, manganese and zinc. These elements can be applied both from soil and foliar with EDTA.For Iron application EDDHA chelate should be chosen if soil pH level is high. Because, its effectiveness scientifically proven even at high pH soils. And it is the only active chelate form above pH level 7.Iron is supplied to plants by chelate then chelate material remains in the soil. According to ortho-para, ortho-ortho chelate can remain longer in soil and bind with unavailable iron to make it available for plants. This is called “Iron shuttle effect” or “effect transporter”. Studies showed that the most beneficial Fe chelate form is ortho-ortho-EDDHA for soil applications.