
Karacaoğlan mahallesi 6167 Sk. No:38 Bornova/İzmir

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Next-Algin is produced by processing of ascophyllum nodosum which is one of seaweed variety using for agricultural and the best active as biological and has the richest nutrients content. Next-Algin is a natural organic product, includes some contents which are naturally found in plants such as cytokinin, betaine, auxin, gibberellin and also includes some nutrients as amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins.


Organic Matter%45
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide(K2O)%4
Alginic Acid%2
Maximum EC25.1 dS/m


  • Provides strong root development and provides more uptake of water and nutrients from the soil.
  • Provides speed chlorophyll formation and as a result of that promotes making more carbohydrate and protein.
  • Increases the plant’s resistance to disease, pests and bad climatic conditions.
  • Increases fruit setting and side branching of fruit trees. Increases yield by decreasing fruit drop and flower drop.
  • It slows the proliferation of viruses and reduces the damage of root-knot nematodes.
  • Increases organic matter content in used soil because of its organic matter content of the product.
  • Increases healthy and speedly root formation of the plants because of its alginic and gibberrelic acid contents.
  • It is used for support young plants and for strenghten plant after flowering.
  • Increases the nutrients and water in the plant and its usefulness.
  • It helps stabilize cell membrane, proteins and chlorophylls in the plant, thus delays aging.
  • It naturally strengthens plant roots against pathogens and pests.


CropsUsage DosageApplication Time
Greenhouse Vegetables50 gr/daApply begining from planting with 15-20 days intervals during season.
Citrus100 gr/100 lt waterApply before flowering and fruit development stage.
Patato, Onion, Carrot, Beetroot70 gr/daApply 2 application after tuber formation with 15-20 days intervals.
Fruit Trees (Pome Fruits)100 gr/100 lt waterApply when bud blistering and 15-20 days after fruit set.
Fruit Trees (Stone Fruits)100 gr/100 lt waterApply at beginning of flowering, flowering, after fruit set and 20 days after harvest.
Cereals (Wheat, Barley, etc.)100 gr/daApply at beginning of tillering with herbicides.
Corn100 gr/daApply when plant becomes 15-20 cm height and before hoe.
Cotton70 gr/daApply when 4-5 leaf stage.
Bean, Pease, etc.60 gr/daApply when 4-6 leaf stage, full flowering and first grain formation.
Spinach, Lettuce50 gr/daApply 15-20 days after planting.
Cut Flower70 gr/daApply before flower bud development.